Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Up Coming Classes

I hope you all have had a merry holidays. As I promised some of you I have the new class schedule. Please be aware there have been some slight price changes. All classes at this time will be being taught by Bonnie Krupa, as many of you know I will be taking maternity leave here shortly. I will likely be back and teaching some time in Febuary or March.
  • Tue. Jan. 11th 6wks AKC STAR Puppy Class 7pm $99
  • Wed. Jan. 12th 5wk Basic Manners 7pm $99
  • Thur. Jan. 13th 5wk Advanced Manners 7pm $99
  • Sat. Jan. 29th 1 day Pet First Aid & CPR Course 8am-12pm $30 Held at Yorktown Fire Dept.
  • Tue. Feb. 22nd 5wk Tricks Class 7pm $99
  • Wed. Feb. 23rd 6wk AKC STAR Puppy Class 7pm $99
  • Thur. Feb. 24th 5wk Basic Manners Class 7pm $99
  • Thur. March 31st 5wk Therapy Dog & CGC Prep Class 7pm $99
  • Tue. April 5th 5wk Fun with Agility Class 7pm $109
  • Wed. April 6th 6wk AKC STAR Puppy Class 7pm $99
  • Thur. May 5th 5wk Intro to Rally Class 7pm $99
Also, here is a list of testing dates for CGC & Therapy Dog:
  • CGC Mon. Jan. 31st 7-8pm $5
  • CGC Mon. Feb. 21st 7-8pm $5
  • CGC Mon. March 14th 7-8pm $5
  • Therapy Dog Mon. Feb. 7th 7-9pm $5
  • Therapy Dog Mon. May 2nd 7-9pm $5
If there is any classes or test you would like to join please call the store at 765-288-8186. There will likely be more classes and testing dates announced at a later time. Please feel free to stay in contact via the blog, facebook, the website, or calling the store.
Hope to see you all again!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Another New Bunch of Stellar Graduates!

I really was blessed with an awesome group of class attendees! I had a class full of dedicated owners who showed up on time, brought thoughtful questions and concerns, and were practicing at home. Yes, I can tell which of you do and don't work with your dogs at home! ;) The dogs were a fun varied group that had me using a variety of "tools".

So here they are November 30, 2010 Basic Manners Graduating Class:

This is Higby. He is a really cool middle-of-the-road kind of guy with a lot of potential to go on to learn a great many things! He came to class already knowing how to do half of what we cover!

This is Sascha, our adolescent German Shepherd. She can be a handful for mom (what teenager isn't), but if mom sticks with it she will be a lovely young lady here soon.

This is Reggie, a high energy little Shelti who is very smart. He keeps his mom and dad busy but entertained!This is Rahlo, our youngest class member and perhaps the one that made the biggest change. On the first night of class Rahlo mostly hid beside his owner staring shyly at everyone. By the final night Rahlo was coming in the door ready for action and play. This is Tala, a white german shepherd found as a stray and the newest addition to my coworker's family. Tala is out to turn my coworker into and even better dog trainer; she is a lot more stubborn and wily than my coworker's last dog!
Meet Mamie, a super smart little girl. Sadly on the final night of class she was missing her mom (who was out of town) and not to interesting in pictures.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Is Your Dog Normal?

On i found the most accurate description of a "normal" dog I've ever heard! You sound check it out!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Puppies in the News

I have been surfing the web since the discovery of internet has hit my home ;), and I have found some things I wanted to share.

Well the first horrific story I came a cross was posted on another sight by a friend. Channel 13 had posted a story about two little boys that tortured two little puppies, and I'm still reeling in shock!

The next story I came across had just the opposite feel. It brightened the mood to read's story of people helping save dogs. To learn more check out

The next was posted to NBCs web page regarding a police dog's weight. On the video footage they had posted the dog looked like an average healthy weight but they didn't get too close nor any images of the dog standing still. But the picture that has caused all the alarm is, well, alarming. What struck me most was people's enraged and hateful comments toward both vets and police officers. I have had my fair share of unpleasant experiences with both but I have had far more good experiences. American is plagued by over weight pets, but I do not see any people attacking vets for not making an attack on obesity.

What do you think?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ever Wish You Could Do Somehting Productive With All That Shedding Dog Hair?

Well there is. A friend of mine who is a dog groomer jokingly said she could make a fortune if there was a use for dog hair. That got me thinking, which lead to Googling, and next thing you know I have discovered a whole knew way to keep your pet close to your heart! When I first started thinking about it I was a little grossed out by the idea of wearing my dog, but when I looked down I remembered that I already wear them most of the time anyway! What is often called "companion cashmere" or "canine cashmere" seems to be a rising trend. One of the first things I found was a blog, if it's hip, it's here, with a post filled with people wearing their pets. had a whole article on it, and made some interesting points about how our pets quality of life makes for a great yarn. Wikihow had relatively simple looking directions on how do it yourself, but for people not so crafty there is a host of places willing to take your collected pet hair and turn it into yarn for you. According to VIP Fibers in Denton, TX yarn from double coated pets is 80% warmer than wool due to the natural insulating properties of undercoat. Also several sites say that you need not worry about anyone being allergic to your new product because allergies are from the dander, oils, and enzymes in the pets skin, not the hair itself, which are removed during the processing. One ambitious dog lover has turned it into quite the business for herself, Hair of the Dog Designer Yarn and Pet Emporium, where she takes your pets hair and turns it into a special keepsake. If you happen to check out her website be sure to look at the super cute Gallery of Clients! Spinning Straw to Gold LLC is another such animal enthusiast willing to make your pet hair into yarn. On popular crafting web site there are even sellers such as fiestywomandesigns, cashmerebunny, and ThreeStitchers, that are turning their dogs fur into yarn you can buy. This whole time there has been a market for all that fluff I have been throwing away after each grooming, and I never even knew it!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

So Much For Blogging

I was very excited about this when I started it. Then of course my computer seemed to catch the electronics equivalent of mono; right as rain some days and others can't even get started. Then there's not having internet access to put a damper on things. Oh well. Guess my big internet writing career will be put on hold.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Had To Share This!

No for all you dog groomers out there this will come as no surprise, ;) but for the rest of you this might be enlightening! A recent study suggest that the most aggressive breed of dog is not in fact a Pit Bull, Rottie, or GSD but is in fact a Dachshund! Check it out!